Remy Grace Stewart

Born January 22, 2009
7 lbs. 3 oz. 19 inches



J + A Humphreys said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! She is just beautiful! How did everything go? Hope you are recovering well.

The Olsen Family said...

She is absolutely adorable!! I love her little mouth. Can't wait to see her in person. Congratulations!!!

Brad Olsen said...

Precious, precious, precious! Congratulations to both of you. We can't wait to see her.
So happy that she made it here safely and that you are both well.

Rachel said...

Okay. She is absolutely perfect!! One of those pictures sort of looks like one of my baby pictures!! She's beautiful and I wish I could see her in person. Too bad my family missed it by a day.

Anonymous said...

Oh, she is precious! What a little beauty! I have been dying to see her. I love her rosy round cheeks and sweet little lips. She is all girl! And her name totally suits her. I love it! There is nothing else like a brand new baby, fresh from heaven! Give her loads of kisses from us! Please keep the pics coming. Love all THREE of you!

nettelyn said...

Awesome,Beautiful Baby- congratulations!

Skye O. said...

congrats! She is adorable. Hope you're all feeling well! love the name! i'm struggling with girl names, any other ideas? :)

Unknown said...

So pretty! Congratulations! Hope you are doing well and loving her up!

ToddandTrisha said...

What a beautiful baby!! Ohh it is crazy that Mayla was that small. Just know that she will look so different in about 2 weeks. I remember thinking just how fast she changed. She is so sweet. We can't wait to meet her. I also LOVE her room. You did a great job. I need to see that mobile closer bc it looks so cute. Let me know if you ever need anything or just a random question, i sure had my fair share. Congrats.

Cindy G said...

Congratulations to both of you. She is so precious. I'm glad she's finally here and made it safely. Can't wait for Todd to bring pictures!

A & E said...

happy day miss camille! you are wonder-woman! i'm so happy for you and todd, she is absolutely beautiful. she has the most gorgeous cheeks...which means she needs lots of kisses. :)

Cassie J said...

Congrats Camille! She is beautiful, and I love her name. Hope you are all doing well.

Sara said...

she is so wonderful camille! don't you think its weird that she had to just sit in your tummy for so long and then she came out and looks so normal? she is so cute! Ill probably be up next weekend or the one after that... i cant wait to see her!

Anonymous said...

SHE IS SO GORGEOUS!! Congratulations you two!

at said...


huge huge warm congratulations on the new dynamic and bond you all get to share forever. you are all absolutely beautiful people! i love you. i love you. i love you.

Unknown said...

So adorable!! Congrats!