Christmas 2008


Samson the Lamanite up on the wall NOT getting hit by any tinfoil balls. (The kids really did throw quite a few and they never hit him!)
I had to show this one I caught of Ky 'the donkey' 's face
Every year, my dad has all the grandkids hold on to one of his fingers as he bears the main 5 things of his testimony. It's always such a neat thing to be a part of.

A wolf in sheep's clothing?
What a funny dog. He doesn't even care that he has an inch of snow covering him.
Another Christmas blizzard


Anderson Avenue said...

Hope you had a Merry Christmas! Looks like all of the grandkids are grown up. I don't even recognize some of them. Man how time flies!

Anonymous said...

Look how cute you are!! Would you hurry up and have that baby so I can finally see her gorgeous face! Hope your Christmas was magical, you family is as cute as ever! Let's catch up soon. xoxo

The Olsen Family said...

You got some great shots of Christmas big surprise! See you on Saturday.

Sara said...

oh gosh. marly is so cute! i love that he doesn't care. and your tummy is getting quite a bit bigger lately. remember when i saw you guys 2 days ago when you were going bowling and i was going to the hot springs? i remember too.