The longest week ever...

Girls Camp was fun. It was also freezing, rainy, and snowy. Good thing we had cabins, but bad thing we were stuck in them, making the three days I was there extremely long. (Good thing they had about 10 different crafts to work on while in the cabins) But the morning of blue sky that we had, we did an adventure/challenge course with the girls and we did a huge swing. I even got a turn! It was really pretty fun. The other parts of the challenge course were teamwork and trust games. Our group of girls did awesome on each challenge.
Overall, camp went really well. We have a great group of girls. We had 26 girls total and 10 of those were first years. We saw a couple of moose and plenty of deer.
Cold and wet...

The second reason for this being the longest week ever, is that on Saturday, I rode in the Little Red Riding Hood Race. I really haven't been on my bike much this year, so I knew I was in for a long day. My sister Kathryn and I rode together. I was so glad to have someone to ride with. We went for the 62 mile course, but I had to bail a bit early and not finish because I bonked. I hit a wall and couldn't finish. Kathryn finished though. Hooray for her! It ended up being a really cold ride with head winds both ways. Yes, both ways because the wind shifted direction once we started heading the opposite way. That makes for a very tough, long ride. But the scenery was so beautiful and that was the best part, just being out on the back roads of Cache Valley.


Anonymous said...

I am sure the girls just loved you! It looks like you had a good time. Riche was jealous you got to spend some time in his hometown (he likes to refer to it as ZION)!

A Erickson said...

A long race and girl's camp all in one week. You are the woman!