Tony Grove July 2010

Our annual day trip to Tony Grove to spend time with some of our favorite people, the Evans family. They are kind enough each year to let me come and invade their camp for a day. Remy was in heaven once we got down to the lake. I didn't really plan on her swimming, but she decided that was necessary. So she swam in her clothes til her diaper was about to explode with water, went in the buff, but decided that was a bit cold after awhile. Luckily, I did pack an extra outfit for her.

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tony grove1


tony grove2

naked baby

naked baby 2


Anonymous said...

Oh, that was a great day. It wouldn't be a trip to Tony Grove if you didn't join us. We've been going together for a really time. If you think about it, long before husbands and babies...I think the babies make it even more fun though. Look how cute they all are!